Well It is the 18-10-11 Yvette's Birthday.
Carol and Stephen Opt to go straight to 80 mile and meet us there.
So we were off early to beat the heat,.We had a good run. Arrived at the turn off for 80 mile at 11am we had 10ks of dirt road to cover. Even though it was dirt it was pretty good, it was graded and sandy.
With only 5 ks to go, everything seized up, as if the brakes had been put on. Tez has gone, what the hell.
Lucky Sandy and John were in front of us, and we had our two way radio, as there was no phone coverage.
Thank you Telstra.
We were stuck fair in the middle of the road, with nowhere to go.
When we looked all around the van I saw that the suspension had come away , the Axel to the back two wheels had moved and the right back wheel was sitting against the van.
We gave Sandy and John our N. R. M.A. card, with lots of trips back and forth to the telephone box at the caravan park, John and Stephen, organised with N.R.M.A. for a tow truck to take the van to Port Headland. Also for us to be put up in a cabin at 80mile beach.
While waiting I walked the road and found The leaves, 3 of them that had fallen out of the suspension.
Tez and I didn`t want to leave our van out on its own, in case of Vandals. [but we really needn`t have worried.] Every single person that went by stopped to see if we were OK, did we need water, could they ring someone for us. It was A MA Z I N G . And quite allot of these people were visitors from overseas.
It truly makes you believe in the human race. We are not frighten out here at all. Every one is so special.
Young and old.
So I had to empty the fridge, pack food and clothes for 4 days.
23 -1/2hrs latter the tow truck arrived, a nice young man took it into Port Headland, we stayed at 80 mile Beach, no accommodation in Port Headland and if there was it was $350-to$400 a night. For one room, com paired to $179 at 80 mile Beach. For a cabin a night, N.R.M.A. were happy as that suited them.
So we stayed at 80 mile. It is renowned for all its shells, and did we have a great time. By the time we got there the girls had had a ball already. That did not stop us going again, it is incredible. Shells we had never seen before. Then two days of cleaning and packing them to bring them home.
There was allot of weed on the beach, and it was very windy so the boys didn`t have much luck with their fishing.
On the Friday The others left to go to Karajini National Park for 4 days then we were meeting in Port Samson near Karatha.
The van was fixed by Saturday. A $9-00 bolt cost the N.R.M.A. $409. No wonder our Premiums are so high. It was a rip off. But because you are in a minning town you don`t have a choice. They have the monopoly.
We drove 200ks to Port Headland picked it up, oh! what a mess, after being on a red dirt road for 23 1/2 hrs and a dirty yard for a week, did it need a clean.Plus we found that the shower skylight was missing, must have lost it off the back of the tow truck. Can`t get one till Geralton, what a joke, This side of the country is incredible trying to get things fixed, and it costs the earth.
Booked into a caravan park, unpacked the car, went shopping,also had to buy a new computer as mine had died.
In W.A. nothing is open after 12 noon Sat till Monday. So because all our banking etc is on line I had to get a new one there. So rush rush.
Stayed till Monday Morning Then Headed for Port Samson To meet everyone else.
Dun Dreamin Team
Di & Tez Living the Dream
Monday, 31 October 2011
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Port Smith. W.A.
Today is very hot 42deg
As we were driving in on the dirt road, we could see bush fires in the distance. Apparently the caretakers were a little worried as when we booked into the park a chopper pilot was in the shop and they were talking about them.
We arrived at Port Smith, no grass just red dirt. We were not right on the water like Roebuck, so Tez was ready to turn back.
After setting up we went touring around so we could see what was to offer. There was one house ,used to be a bird sanctuary. Sandy was talking to the lady who lived there when we were on our way fishing .
We drove10ks out to the cliffs beautiful, When we returned they told us you shouldn`t go out there because of the fires, Didn`t tell us that before. Couldn't`t swim or fish but very pretty.
Then approx 600 mtrs down the road we could swim at high tide, and that we did
The next morning at 5am low tide, we drove over the beach had breaky and went fishing,
All caught fish, But Tez was the only one we could keep, so we had it for tea that night, a snub nose dart, 12lbs. Not a bad fish,
The Park itself was very clean but not allot to offer. only stayed two days.
We got in contact with Cas and Stephen and said go straight to 80 mile beach instead of comming in to Port Smith.
In the morning when we got up ready to leave, there was ashes all over our cars. During the night you could smell the smoke, no one come to say anyting till we were leaving, then they said, watch the fires on the way out, as they are on both sides of the road, so if you take it easy should be o.k. If not turn around and come back, GREAT....
As we drove out there was a very large area that had burned out.
So on our way to 80mile beach.
As we were driving in on the dirt road, we could see bush fires in the distance. Apparently the caretakers were a little worried as when we booked into the park a chopper pilot was in the shop and they were talking about them.
We arrived at Port Smith, no grass just red dirt. We were not right on the water like Roebuck, so Tez was ready to turn back.
After setting up we went touring around so we could see what was to offer. There was one house ,used to be a bird sanctuary. Sandy was talking to the lady who lived there when we were on our way fishing .
We drove10ks out to the cliffs beautiful, When we returned they told us you shouldn`t go out there because of the fires, Didn`t tell us that before. Couldn't`t swim or fish but very pretty.
Then approx 600 mtrs down the road we could swim at high tide, and that we did
The next morning at 5am low tide, we drove over the beach had breaky and went fishing,
All caught fish, But Tez was the only one we could keep, so we had it for tea that night, a snub nose dart, 12lbs. Not a bad fish,
The Park itself was very clean but not allot to offer. only stayed two days.
We got in contact with Cas and Stephen and said go straight to 80 mile beach instead of comming in to Port Smith.
In the morning when we got up ready to leave, there was ashes all over our cars. During the night you could smell the smoke, no one come to say anyting till we were leaving, then they said, watch the fires on the way out, as they are on both sides of the road, so if you take it easy should be o.k. If not turn around and come back, GREAT....
As we drove out there was a very large area that had burned out.
So on our way to 80mile beach.
Broome. W.A.
Well here we are in Broome,
What a magnificent Place this is, The Colours are just magic. Natures Pallet at its best.
The places to go, the things to see, We are sure we could stay here for quite awhile and just relax and take our time swimming, walking, fishing,etc.
Not one of us can get over the water here, we have all fallen in love with it and the red earth against it, with white sand. It seems like it should be pink or apricot, not so white.
The tides are something else they come in and high, Then they last only 7mins before changing.Then you can walk out up to 1klm before you hit water.
A M A Z I N G .
We have swam and swam and swam.
The weather is 32deg. We all have to remind ourselves that it isn`t Summer it is now Spring. It seems like we havn`t had winter really. the weather has been so hot for so long.
Now it is very pleasant, with a nice breeze.
We are now all together again.
Carol and Stephen caught up Yesterday 6-10-11. Carol is doing allot better although her back is still touchie.
I am sure with all the swimming and walking, it will come good.
Stephen has a touch of gout to much of the good life.
Sandy and John, have returned today after their few days away at Cape Leveque. Absolutely loved every minute of it.
They reckon that it was the highlight of the trip so far.
Though when John saw the beach today he said this is pretty good as well. And it is.
John bought Tez some oysters back from Leveque, That his guide got off the mangroves.
Tez and I did some fishing on the Jetty while everyone was a away. Tez caught a nice Bream and a Coral trout.
So tomorrow the boys are off to see what they can do.
The fishing not so good, just drowning a few prawns and pilly`s. But enjoying it.
Been to the markets, Went on a picnic, on Cable Beach, you can drive about 15ks along there, that was a nice day also.
We went on a tour to Willie Creek Pearl Farm, that was very interesting.
Then we continued up the coast on a dirt road for 80ks to where they are protesting against the Gas coming on shore at James Price Point. It was almost to Cape Laveque. Had another picnic. BEAUTIFUL.
Come back and went to the open air movies, To see Red Dog. There were planes going over us ,as we sat in our deck chairs.The end of the runway was right beside us [. As Broom's airport is in the middle and divides the town.]
We laughed, Then we had bats flying over us, John and I got peed on, invaded by mossies, but it was fun.
Another experience.
Today John and Stephen are going fishing in a Kayak not good for Tez worst luck, he would have liked that.
The rest of us will just take it easy.And have another hard day at the office. Ha!Ha!.
John caught a small Barracuda, They said all they really did was paddle for two hours. Come back very tired.
The next day, Stephen and Carol had the day of their life . It started at 6.30 am. They went on a sea plane
to The Horizontal Falls. Then on a speed boat through the falls. then to Cape Leveque for lunch, Swam with sharks, Went to a hatchery, to a church, Then on a 4WD back to Broome. Got back at 5.30pm.
In time for sunset drinks on Gamtheaume bay.
We have had allot of relaxation time and that has been great. Lots of swimming, and walking. Oh and Eating.
I have been attacked by Midges again, this time pretty bad.
We went to the Pearl Luggers yesterday. Just Carol ,Sandy, And me . The boys washed cars, and went to the bank etc.
Then at 4-30pm time for drinks over on the water front, and take position for the Staircase to the Moon.
This occurrence is caused by the rising of a full moon reflecting off the exposed mud flats at extremely low tide, creating the beautiful optical illusion of stairs reaching the moon. It happens from March to October.
So we were fortunate enough to be here at the right time. Also to share it with approximately 2000 other people. Another fortunate thing was we were staying at the Caravan Park where this occurs. It is something else. Very spectacular.
They have a market set up around the park adjacent to the caravan park, with food stalls etc. So the boys had takeaway for tea, Great........No cooking.
Today everyone has gone down to the Jetty at the Port to go fishing. I cannot go in the sun at the moment with these rotten bites, never mind, plenty more days.
Well When we first started this trip, Tez said he would ride a camel, So we decided it would be on Cable Beach Broome, So tonight is the night.
We all said a Sunset ride then go out to Thai for tea.
Off we went had a sickaworkinsix Photo taken, Tez lasted approx 10 mins. But that was O.K.
Cas and I were quite comfortable, The others all said glad that is over, never again.
Dinner was delicious Tez had King Prawn Pan Thai I had Garlic King Prawns Yum!
Saturday was very busy, Shopping, to replenish food for our next leg. Plus get all the washing up to date.
Then starting to pack up.
Tomorrow we leave with Sandy and John, Cas and Stephen have the van booked in to have some work done on it. They are going to meet us in a couple of days at Port Smith.
What a magnificent Place this is, The Colours are just magic. Natures Pallet at its best.
The places to go, the things to see, We are sure we could stay here for quite awhile and just relax and take our time swimming, walking, fishing,etc.
Not one of us can get over the water here, we have all fallen in love with it and the red earth against it, with white sand. It seems like it should be pink or apricot, not so white.
The tides are something else they come in and high, Then they last only 7mins before changing.Then you can walk out up to 1klm before you hit water.
A M A Z I N G .
We have swam and swam and swam.
The weather is 32deg. We all have to remind ourselves that it isn`t Summer it is now Spring. It seems like we havn`t had winter really. the weather has been so hot for so long.
Now it is very pleasant, with a nice breeze.
We are now all together again.
Carol and Stephen caught up Yesterday 6-10-11. Carol is doing allot better although her back is still touchie.
I am sure with all the swimming and walking, it will come good.
Stephen has a touch of gout to much of the good life.
Sandy and John, have returned today after their few days away at Cape Leveque. Absolutely loved every minute of it.
They reckon that it was the highlight of the trip so far.
Though when John saw the beach today he said this is pretty good as well. And it is.
John bought Tez some oysters back from Leveque, That his guide got off the mangroves.
Tez and I did some fishing on the Jetty while everyone was a away. Tez caught a nice Bream and a Coral trout.
So tomorrow the boys are off to see what they can do.
The fishing not so good, just drowning a few prawns and pilly`s. But enjoying it.
Been to the markets, Went on a picnic, on Cable Beach, you can drive about 15ks along there, that was a nice day also.
We went on a tour to Willie Creek Pearl Farm, that was very interesting.
Then we continued up the coast on a dirt road for 80ks to where they are protesting against the Gas coming on shore at James Price Point. It was almost to Cape Laveque. Had another picnic. BEAUTIFUL.
Come back and went to the open air movies, To see Red Dog. There were planes going over us ,as we sat in our deck chairs.The end of the runway was right beside us [. As Broom's airport is in the middle and divides the town.]
We laughed, Then we had bats flying over us, John and I got peed on, invaded by mossies, but it was fun.
Another experience.
Today John and Stephen are going fishing in a Kayak not good for Tez worst luck, he would have liked that.
The rest of us will just take it easy.And have another hard day at the office. Ha!Ha!.
John caught a small Barracuda, They said all they really did was paddle for two hours. Come back very tired.
The next day, Stephen and Carol had the day of their life . It started at 6.30 am. They went on a sea plane
to The Horizontal Falls. Then on a speed boat through the falls. then to Cape Leveque for lunch, Swam with sharks, Went to a hatchery, to a church, Then on a 4WD back to Broome. Got back at 5.30pm.
In time for sunset drinks on Gamtheaume bay.
We have had allot of relaxation time and that has been great. Lots of swimming, and walking. Oh and Eating.
I have been attacked by Midges again, this time pretty bad.
We went to the Pearl Luggers yesterday. Just Carol ,Sandy, And me . The boys washed cars, and went to the bank etc.
Then at 4-30pm time for drinks over on the water front, and take position for the Staircase to the Moon.
This occurrence is caused by the rising of a full moon reflecting off the exposed mud flats at extremely low tide, creating the beautiful optical illusion of stairs reaching the moon. It happens from March to October.
So we were fortunate enough to be here at the right time. Also to share it with approximately 2000 other people. Another fortunate thing was we were staying at the Caravan Park where this occurs. It is something else. Very spectacular.
They have a market set up around the park adjacent to the caravan park, with food stalls etc. So the boys had takeaway for tea, Great........No cooking.
Today everyone has gone down to the Jetty at the Port to go fishing. I cannot go in the sun at the moment with these rotten bites, never mind, plenty more days.
Well When we first started this trip, Tez said he would ride a camel, So we decided it would be on Cable Beach Broome, So tonight is the night.
We all said a Sunset ride then go out to Thai for tea.
Off we went had a sickaworkinsix Photo taken, Tez lasted approx 10 mins. But that was O.K.
Cas and I were quite comfortable, The others all said glad that is over, never again.
Dinner was delicious Tez had King Prawn Pan Thai I had Garlic King Prawns Yum!
Saturday was very busy, Shopping, to replenish food for our next leg. Plus get all the washing up to date.
Then starting to pack up.
Tomorrow we leave with Sandy and John, Cas and Stephen have the van booked in to have some work done on it. They are going to meet us in a couple of days at Port Smith.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Heading for Broome.
On Sunday Morning Sandy, John , Tez and I headed off toward Broome.
Carol still resting after hurting her back.
The Heat was starting to get to Tez, Plus me, I must admit.38 to 42 is up there, also the humidity is the thing that is hard to cope with, we seem to be in the pool quite allot. and you did`t want to walk.
Plus Sandy and John Have a Silver Wedding Anniversary coming up and they have booked to go to Cape Leveque. 217ks north of Broome, They want to watch out, we may just crash their [HONEYMOON]
It looks AMAZING.
We stayed at an over night free stay at Spring Creek That was good.
The next Day we stayed at another over night free stay at Mary Pool That was lovely On the Mary River.
There were cattle from the The Mary River Station., that we photographed.
The next day we arrived in Fitzroy Crossing stayed at a caravan park for two nights, so we could go to Geikie Gorge River Cruise.We did that on Tuesday morning, and enjoyed it very much.
We were on a boat that held 54 passengers and there were 48, from all over the world, on tours APT.
Germans, English, Australians, and Americans.
The Guide was a Japorigini. That is what he called himself. His Dad was Japanese and his Mum was Aboriginal.
A very well informed and funny young man.
Glad we did the 8am cruise by 9am it was very hot already.
Left for Derby on Thursday, On our way we saw a muster, Sandy and I were out of those cars like a flash, we have been looking since we left Daley's Waters and were very excited, but would have liked a bit more dust and movement to photograph. Never mind we still got photos this time.
We are staying in the Kimberley Caravan Park. Derby.
Ian the man who owns it is a great guy, he has given us traps to catch the crabs with, as the ones Tez has brought from home, are illegal in W.A.
Here in the Park also is a very rare Peacock it is white. But very beautiful.
Since being in Derby, we have all been on different scenic tours.
We had intended to go on flights but had been told they had all been cancelled. When we arrived in Derby and found they were still available, we were very pleased, and even more pleased with the price.
Tez and I went on a flight, from Derby over part of the Kimberley to The Horizontal Falls, In Talbot Bay
The Thousand Islands in The Buccaneer Archipelago, To Koolan Island , Cockatoo Island , Where they mine the Ore Then on to afternoon tea at Kooljaman The multi award winning Aboriginal owned wilderness camp at Cape Leveque. Where we also got to wander for an other hour before heading back to Derby through King Sound.
Oh my God , it was a day we will not forget for a long time.
It was fantastic.
As Tez Is not able to do off road driving very much this was just what the doctor ordered.So we didn`t have to go on Sandy and Johns Honeymoon Ha !Ha!
Today Sandy and John Got up early and went on there flight to the Horizontal Falls and some of the Islands
and loved it,also.
Then we all headed to the Jetty to catch Mud Crabs. We caught 12 but were only able to keep 3.
Headed home for lunch and cook our catch.
Tomorrow we leave for Broome.
This Holiday is A M A Z I N G .
Carol still resting after hurting her back.
The Heat was starting to get to Tez, Plus me, I must admit.38 to 42 is up there, also the humidity is the thing that is hard to cope with, we seem to be in the pool quite allot. and you did`t want to walk.
Plus Sandy and John Have a Silver Wedding Anniversary coming up and they have booked to go to Cape Leveque. 217ks north of Broome, They want to watch out, we may just crash their [HONEYMOON]
It looks AMAZING.
We stayed at an over night free stay at Spring Creek That was good.
The next Day we stayed at another over night free stay at Mary Pool That was lovely On the Mary River.
There were cattle from the The Mary River Station., that we photographed.
The next day we arrived in Fitzroy Crossing stayed at a caravan park for two nights, so we could go to Geikie Gorge River Cruise.We did that on Tuesday morning, and enjoyed it very much.
We were on a boat that held 54 passengers and there were 48, from all over the world, on tours APT.
Germans, English, Australians, and Americans.
The Guide was a Japorigini. That is what he called himself. His Dad was Japanese and his Mum was Aboriginal.
A very well informed and funny young man.
Glad we did the 8am cruise by 9am it was very hot already.
Left for Derby on Thursday, On our way we saw a muster, Sandy and I were out of those cars like a flash, we have been looking since we left Daley's Waters and were very excited, but would have liked a bit more dust and movement to photograph. Never mind we still got photos this time.
We are staying in the Kimberley Caravan Park. Derby.
Ian the man who owns it is a great guy, he has given us traps to catch the crabs with, as the ones Tez has brought from home, are illegal in W.A.
Here in the Park also is a very rare Peacock it is white. But very beautiful.
Since being in Derby, we have all been on different scenic tours.
We had intended to go on flights but had been told they had all been cancelled. When we arrived in Derby and found they were still available, we were very pleased, and even more pleased with the price.
Tez and I went on a flight, from Derby over part of the Kimberley to The Horizontal Falls, In Talbot Bay
The Thousand Islands in The Buccaneer Archipelago, To Koolan Island , Cockatoo Island , Where they mine the Ore Then on to afternoon tea at Kooljaman The multi award winning Aboriginal owned wilderness camp at Cape Leveque. Where we also got to wander for an other hour before heading back to Derby through King Sound.
Oh my God , it was a day we will not forget for a long time.
It was fantastic.
As Tez Is not able to do off road driving very much this was just what the doctor ordered.So we didn`t have to go on Sandy and Johns Honeymoon Ha !Ha!
Today Sandy and John Got up early and went on there flight to the Horizontal Falls and some of the Islands
and loved it,also.
Then we all headed to the Jetty to catch Mud Crabs. We caught 12 but were only able to keep 3.
Headed home for lunch and cook our catch.
Tomorrow we leave for Broome.
This Holiday is A M A Z I N G .
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